◎  无损检测仪器
      超声波探伤仪       超声波测厚仪       涂镀层测厚仪       磁粉探伤仪       探伤剂       X射线探伤机       粗糙度仪       测振仪       硬度计       防护设备       黑光灯       频闪仪       转速表       观片灯       推拉力计       弹簧试验机       电火花检漏仪       试块|探伤试块       楼板厚度测量仪       裂缝深度测试仪       裂缝宽度测试仪       回弹仪       钢筋保护层测定仪       变形模量测试仪       锈蚀仪       无损探伤配件       相控阵探头       相控阵探伤仪       涡流探伤仪       点焊探头       内窥镜       超声波探头
◎  示波器
      数字示波器       手持式示波器       混合示波器       模拟示波器       逻辑分析仪
◎  信号源
      函数发生器       任意波形发生器       射频信号源       音频信号发生器       电视信号发生器
◎  基础检测仪器
      电子负载       稳压电源       交流电源       可编程电源       双极性电源       微电阻计       电阻测试仪       绝缘电阻测试仪       失真仪       毫伏表       LCR数字电桥       频谱分析仪       频率特性分析仪       数字频率计       万用表       场强仪       水平仪       锁相放大器
◎  电力测试设备
      电能质量分析仪       电池测试仪       兆欧表       钳形表       记录仪       数据采集器       数据采集器       接地电阻测试仪       测高仪       测距仪       功率计       相序表
◎  安规测试设备
      高压测试仪       耐压/绝缘测试仪       泄漏电流测试仪       多功能测试仪       漏电开关测试仪
◎  计量检测设备
      过程校验仪       压力校验仪       温度校验仪       回路校验仪       多功能校验仪       综合校验仪       频率校验仪
◎  环境检测设备
      温度计       温湿度计       风速仪       噪音计       照度计       红外热像仪       红外测温仪       温度记录仪       温湿度记录仪       漏点仪       粒子计数器       高斯计       粉尘仪
◎  气体检测仪
      烟气分析仪       可燃气体检测仪       有毒气体检测仪       复合气体检测仪       尾气检测仪       氧气检测仪
◎  分析仪器
      电子天平       水分测定仪       PH计       紫外线强度计       酒精测试仪       酸度计       粘度计
◎  仪器设备配件
      无损检测设备配件       示波器配件
◎   经纬仪
◎   水准仪
◎   静电测试仪
◎   渗透类-NDT
◎   磁粉类-NDT
◎   内窥镜
◎   人体测温仪
◎  汕超仪器
      数字超声波探伤仪       模拟超声波探伤仪
◎  波兰索耐SONEL
      电能质量分析仪       微电阻计       红外热像仪       钳形表       万用表       电气设备安全       兆欧表/绝缘电阻测试       接地电阻测试仪       短路回路测量仪       RCD表       多功能电气安装表
◎   晶体管测试仪



The CTS-1002 is a light-weight instrument with excellent performance which accumulates the experiences of 50 years for making ultrasonic instruments. This instrument is EN 12668:2000 compliance and has an industrial-leveled TFT display with full WVGA(800×480) resolution providing superior visibility in all lighting conditions including direct sunshine.





Q  Q:540214533  394688981   


CTS-1002Weighing only 0.9kg square wave excitation full WVGA resolution TFT display and strong flaw detecting capabilities make it superior when compared with other similar products.







Q  Q:540214533  394688981   


  • CTS-1002Advanced circuitry 640MHz sampling frequency and 800×480 full WVGA resolution assure quick and accurate display and analysis on defect signals even when the signals are weak.
    • Using the advanced tunable square wave excitation technology the CTS-1002 provides excellent penetration and high signal-to-noise ratio when detecting special composite materials highly-attenuated or thick work-pieces.
    • 4.3 inches display set-in battery and charger but only 0.9kg in weight which make it easy to operate and carry along.
    • The design meets the standard of IP54 certification and compatible with EN 12668:2000 standard.
    • With full WVGA TFT display at industrial level this instrument offers fine images at different angles.
    • Optimized panel user-friendly design for the menu easy and fast to operate no matter you use the left hand or right hand. Various input modes English/Chinese menu optional.
    • Auto-calibration function including fast calibrating material velocity probe delay and probe angle.
    • Zoom function for in-gate waveform enables users to observe the waveform detail conveniently. Zoom function for waveform display area and optimized height-to-width rate of the screen ensure echo with higher resolution.
    • DAC: Easy to make correct store and recall DAC.
    • Built-in intelligent lithium battery charger. Power supplied by battery or AC mains and it can automatically display the power supply modes. Auto switch between “charge” and “work”.
    • Long battery life of over 8 hours ensures your continuous work.
    • USB port for software updating data transferring and printing and access to devises such as mouse keyboard and U-disk.
    • CTS-1002
      CTS-1002Attenuator Every 12dB ± 1dB
      CTS-1002Equivalent Input Noise <80×10-9 V/√HZ
      CTS-1002Transmitter Pulse -Ve Square Wave PulseTransmitter Pulse Voltage:25~250V continuously adjustable with 25V increments
      Test Modes Pulse echo and dual transmission
      Damping 40080 Ohm
      Frequency Broadband/narrowband optional.Broadband:0.5~20MHz. Narrowband:1.5~3MHz
      Gain 0.0~110.0dB.Steps as 0.1/1.0/2.0/6.0dB
      Material Velocity 1000~15000m/s continuously adjustable.Set-in 30 common material velocities selectable
      Test Range 0.0~10000mm longitudinal wave at steel velocity. Range continuously variable with minimum 0.1mm increments
      Rectification Positive halfwave negative halfwave full wave
      Alarm Real-time alarm signal positive and negative thresholds minimum depth DAC alarm optional
      Measuring Mode:Select peak of pulse wave in gate
      Display 4.3" industrial-leveled TFT color LCD with 800×480 WVGA resolution
      Pulse Shift -7.5~3000μs
      Probe Zero 0~999.9μs
      Pulse Repetition Frequency 25~800Hz auto adjustment mode
      Vertical Linearity Accuracy ≤3%
      Horizontal Linearity Accuracy ≤0.4%
      Surplus Sensitivity ≥60dB (200Ф2 flat bottom hole)
      Resolutions ≥36dB(5P14)
      Dynamic Range ≥32dB
      Reject (0~90)%
      Electric Noise Level <10%
      Interface Q9 transducer cable connectors
      USB HOST
      Power Supply Large-capacity lithium battery without memory effect; Battery Life: More than 8 hours
      Built-in charger AC Mains 220V
      Dust/Splash/Water-proof meets IP54 standard
      CTS-1002Standards EN12668-1 compliance
      Conform to JB/T 10061-1999 standard
      CTS-1002Environmental Temperature -30~50℃
      CTS-1002Relative Humidity 20%~95%RH
      CTS-1002Weight 0.9Kg (with battery and built-in charger)
      CTS-1002Dimension Top:215mm×126mm×53mm



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联系人:张运华  电话:0755-28199550  传真:0755-29806349  邮编:518100