- ◎  无损检测仪器
-       超声波探伤仪       超声波测厚仪       涂镀层测厚仪       磁粉探伤仪       探伤剂       X射线探伤机       粗糙度仪       测振仪       硬度计       防护设备       黑光灯       频闪仪       转速表       观片灯       推拉力计       弹簧试验机       电火花检漏仪       试块|探伤试块       楼板厚度测量仪       裂缝深度测试仪       裂缝宽度测试仪       回弹仪       钢筋保护层测定仪       变形模量测试仪       锈蚀仪       无损探伤配件       相控阵探头       相控阵探伤仪       涡流探伤仪       点焊探头       内窥镜       超声波探头
- ◎  示波器
-       数字示波器       手持式示波器       混合示波器       模拟示波器       逻辑分析仪
- ◎  信号源
-       函数发生器       任意波形发生器       射频信号源       音频信号发生器       电视信号发生器
- ◎  基础检测仪器
-       电子负载       稳压电源       交流电源       可编程电源       双极性电源       微电阻计       电阻测试仪       绝缘电阻测试仪       失真仪       毫伏表       LCR数字电桥       频谱分析仪       频率特性分析仪       数字频率计       万用表       场强仪       水平仪       锁相放大器
- ◎  电力测试设备
-       电能质量分析仪       电池测试仪       兆欧表       钳形表       记录仪       数据采集器       数据采集器       接地电阻测试仪       测高仪       测距仪       功率计       相序表
- ◎  安规测试设备
-       高压测试仪       耐压/绝缘测试仪       泄漏电流测试仪       多功能测试仪       漏电开关测试仪
- ◎  计量检测设备
-       过程校验仪       压力校验仪       温度校验仪       回路校验仪       多功能校验仪       综合校验仪       频率校验仪
- ◎  环境检测设备
-       温度计       温湿度计       风速仪       噪音计       照度计       红外热像仪       红外测温仪       温度记录仪       温湿度记录仪       漏点仪       粒子计数器       高斯计       粉尘仪
- ◎  气体检测仪
-       烟气分析仪       可燃气体检测仪       有毒气体检测仪       复合气体检测仪       尾气检测仪       氧气检测仪
- ◎  分析仪器
-       电子天平       水分测定仪       PH计       紫外线强度计       酒精测试仪       酸度计       粘度计
- ◎  仪器设备配件
-       无损检测设备配件       示波器配件
- ◎  汕超仪器
-       数字超声波探伤仪       模拟超声波探伤仪
USLT USB汽车焊点超声检测仪
UT/Mate 超声波焊点检测仪
Matrixeye EX 3D成像焊点检测仪
Matrixeye ST电阻点焊分析仪/3D超声成像焊点检测仪
深圳华清仪器-无损配件事业部: 29806349
Code: 67933
Family Name: G MN
Frequency [MHz]: 20
Element Size: 8 mm
Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
EN Certified: No
Connector Type: Lemo 00
Lead Time [working days]: 12
Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67933
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 8 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 17.4 H 32.5
- A: 17.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67932
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 7,4 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67932
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 7,4 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 17.4 H 32.5
- A: 17.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67887
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67887
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 15.4 H 32.5
- A: 15.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67928
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6,3 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67928
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6,3 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 15.4 H 32.5
- A: 15.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67929
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6,6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67929
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6,6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 15.4 H 32.5
- A: 15.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 69214
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6,9 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 69214
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 6,9 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 17.4 H 32.5
- A: 17.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67931
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 7,1 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 17.4 H 32.5
- A: 17.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67884
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 4,5 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67884
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 4,5 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67809
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 4 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67885
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 5 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67926
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 5,3 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 15.4 H 32.5
- A: 15.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67886
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 5,6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67886
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 5,6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 15.4 H 32.5
- A: 15.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67808
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3,6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67808
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3,6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 68267
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3,2 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 68267
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3,2 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67888
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3,15 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67888
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3,15 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67923
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67923
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 3 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 68619
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 2,5 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 68619
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 2,5 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 67922
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 2,3 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 67922
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 2,3 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 12
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5
- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 69335
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 20
- Element Size: 2 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 35
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 68765
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 10
- Element Size: 7,1 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 35
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 68765
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 10
- Element Size: 7,1 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 35
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 17.4 H 32.5
- A: 17.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 68825
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 10
- Element Size: 6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 35
- Manufacturing Location: Germany
- Code: 68825
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 10
- Element Size: 6 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 35
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 17.4 H 32.5
- A: 17.4
- B: 32.5

- Code: 69122
- Family Name: G MN
- Frequency [MHz]: 10
- Element Size: 5 mm
- Bandwidth[%]: 45 - 65
- EN Certified: No
- Connector Type: Lemo 00
- Lead Time [working days]: 35
- Manufacturing Location: Germany

- General Dimensions: 13.4 H 32.5
- A: 13.4
- B: 32.5
Olympus IMS ultrasonic spot weld transducers are specifically designed to provide optimal performance for nondestructive testing of numerous types of spot welds, including those used in automotive and industrial applications. Ultrasonic inspection of spot welds involves the analysis of what is known as the "ringdown" of sound within the weld nugget. Unlike many other direct measurement techniques, spot-weld inspection looks at the characteristics of the multiple echoes returned from sound energy ringing within the weld nugget. Echo spacing, sound attenuation, and intermediate echo detection are some of the indicators of weld quality that are analyzed by trained inspectors.

Our transducers have excellent signal-to-noise ratios due to broadband design, which is critical for distinguishing good welds from poor welds. These transducers are available in a multitude of sizes in 0.5 mm increments to ensure that the proper transducers are available for a variety of weld nugget sizes. Element sizes are engraved with both English and metric units for worldwide use. The versatile design of these spot weld transducers allows them to be used with either a soft membrane captive water column or a hard tip delay line. Transducers, delay lines, and water columns are sold separately.

Transducer Configurator
Select either delay line or water column.
(Transducers, delay lines, delay line retaining rings, water columns, and membranes need to be ordered separately.)
Request a quote or purchase a transducer by selecting the item number.
Frequency (MHz) |
Nominal Element Size | VIDEOSCAN | ||
in. | mm | Part / Item No. |
15 | 0.118 | 3 |
15 | 0.138 | 3.5 |
15 | 0.157 | 4 |
15 | 0.177 | 4.5 |
15 | 0.197 | 5 |
15 | 0.217 | 5.5 |
15 | 0.236 | 6 |
15 | 0.256 | 6.5 |
15 | 0.315 | 8 |
15 | 0.98 | 2.5 |
20 | 0.098 | 2.5 |
20 | 0.118 | 3 |
20 | 0.138 | 3.5 |
20 | 0.157 | 4 |
20 | 0.177 | 4.5 |
20 | 0.197 | 5 |
20 | 0.217 | 5.5 |
20 | 0.236 | 6 |
20 | 0.256 | 6.5 |
Captive Water Column Membranes (Includes O-Rings)
fits DLCW-1003 | fits DLCW-2003 | fits DLCW-3003 | |||
Part Number | Desc. (qty.) | Part Number | Desc. (qty.) | Part Number | Desc. (qty.) |
DLCW-1003-MK25 | 25 Std. | DLCW-2003-MK25 | 25 Std. | DLCW-3003-MK25 | 25 Std. |
DLCW-1003-MK50 | 50 Std. | DLCW-2003-MK50 | 50 Std. | DLCW-3003-MK50 | 50 Std. |
DLCW-1003-MKX25 | 25 Hvy. Duty | DLCW-2003-MKX25 | 25 Hvy. Duty | DLCW-3003-MKX25 | 25 Hvy. Duty |
DLCW-1003-MKX50 | 50 Hvy. Duty | DLCW-2003-MKX50 | 50 Hvy. Duty | DLCW-3003-MKX50 | 50 Hvy. Duty |